Answering Humanist's Accusations Against the Bible
This page provides a subject index of the answers to the more than 180 accusations against the Bible on the American Humanist's (atheist's) web site. The accusations are listed below, and answered, in the order they appeared on the humanist's web page. They are grouped in the categories used on the humanist's web page. Your comments, suggestions or additional questions are welcome. Click on the "message in a bottle" image to send us an email.
Introduction - Why Do Humanists Reject The Bible?
The following is a topical index presented in the order that the accusations are made on the humanist's web site. Each accusation/question is linked to the page with the answer. Click here for a scripture index.
If you are reading through all of the above answers to humanist's supposed contradictions, I hope you are starting to see that the claim these are "contradictions" is ridiculous. If the humanist who made the list had done just a little research, they'd have had the answers. But, I've found that most humanists are not interested in answers. All they want to do is to attack God and the Bible. It does not matter whether or not their attack actually has any truth to it.
Let's continue...
The atheists are claiming that God is cruel and sadistic. That is a common claim. Is this true? Based on whose standard?
We're still going through the accusations from a single American Humanist web page. The page we're looking at is titled "Some Reasons Why Humanists Reject The Bible." Sometimes I start thinking that, these accusartions are so easy to refute, that maybe the humanists are hoping to overwhelm people with just shear volume. Maybe, they are thinking that some people will assume, from this list, that there are so many problems with the Bible, that they won't even read it all. Maybe the humanists are hoping that people who look at their web page will just assume at least some of it is true, and accept the premise that the Bible should be rejected.
Don't be fooled. Humanists can't change reality with a web page. Denying God does not make Him go away. Attacking the Bible doesn't make the attacks true. Humanists, Muslims, Buddhists... everyone will die once and then face the judgment of God. And we are all guilty. The only one who can save you from the judgment is Jesus Christ...
You are guilty, but on the cross Jesus Christ paid the just penalty for sin (disobeying God) that you've earned. Accept His free gift. Trust that Jesus did truly pay your penalty for sin IN FULL.
Let's continue...
It took nearly 80 web pages to address the humanists claims and accusations against the Bible. I've looked at every claim on their web page, and every one has been found to be untrue. They have not been able to show the Bible has error, or that science is superior to the Bible. The opposite has been demonstrated... following the teachings of the Bible (in other words obeying God), leads to a healthier, better life.
We're just a small church on the North Oregon coast, with very limited resources. Yet, it was fairly simple to refute every humanist claim and accusation. They literally have nothing to stand on, except wishful thinking. And their wish is that God does not exist, and that they will not be held accountantable by their creator. But, wishful thinking does not change reality.
But for the cowardly* and unbelieving and abominable and murderers and immoral persons and sorcerers and idolaters and all liars, their part will be in the lake that burns with fire and brimstone, which is the second death. - Revelation 21:8
* The "cowardly" are those who are afraid to turn to Jesus. Maybe afraid of what their friends will think. Maybe afraid that thery'll have to give up doing something they love. In some cases afraid that they are not good enough. Don't be afraid. Embrace the love of Jesus Christ and He will save you.
Note: Unless otherwise noted, the NASB translation is used on all of our web pages as the source of scripture. This is a recognized accurate and reliable translation.
You cannot hide anything from God, and you can't hide from God:
'Can a man hide himself in hiding places So I do not see him?' declares the LORD 'Do I not fill the heavens and the earth?' declares the LORD. - Jeremiah 23:24
Imagine you have an SD card in your head that records every thought and dream. We record for a month and then rent a theater. All your friends are invited as we play that SD card on the big screen. How would you feel?
That's what God sees. He is disgusted and knows that because of your sin (those thoughts we all see on the big screen) you will never be with God. But God still loves you, and He made an incredible sacrifice for you. He died in your place.
You have a choice. Reject God... and get what you say you want... you'll spent eternity separated from God. And that means separated from EVERYTHING that is good. Think about that.
Or accept the gift God offers... trust that Jesus Christ died on the cross to pay the penalty you've earned (remember those thoughts on the SD card). Jesus paid your penalty in full. It is finished
There is no darkness or deep shadow Where the workers of iniquity may hide themselves. - Job 34:22