Answering Humanist's Accusations Against the Bible
This page provides a scripture index to the answers to humanist accusations against the Bible.
Job's response to God when God asked him, "Where were you when I created everything?" was: "Behold, I am insignificant; what can I reply to You? I lay my hand on my mouth." - Job 40:4
Humanists state on their web site: "The Bible is an unreliable authority because it contains numerous contradictions. Logically, if two statements are contradictory, at least one of them is false. The biblical contradictions therefore prove that the book has many false statements and is not infallible."
Is this true? Absolutely not. On these web pages we go through each accusation, contradiction, claim, and question raised on the humanist web page, in the order they are raised. Click here for the subject index. Every one is answered.
The reason why humanists reject God and the Bible is not because there are contradictions in the Bible or unanswered questions... it is because they do not want to be accountable to the God who created them. This is plain in scripture: "This is the judgment, that the Light has come into the world, and men loved the darkness rather than the Light, for their deeds were evil." - John 3:19
Job describes them in Job 21:13-15 "They spend their days in prosperity, and suddenly they go down to Sheol (hell). They say to God, ‘Depart from us! We do not even desire the knowledge of Your ways. Who is the Almighty, that we should serve Him, and what would we gain if we entreat Him?'" Job is the oldest book in the Bible. Rejection of God is nothing new. People reject God... even reject all knowledge of God. Yet God is patient and loving. He continues to give everyone second chance after second chance to turn from their own desires... to give up the empty excuses and accept the free gift He offers.
The following provides links to the pages in this section that reference scripture. Links are provided for the following:
Genesis 1:2-3
Genesis 1:11-13
Genesis 1:14-15
Genesis 1:14
Genesis 1:14-19
Genesis 1:17
Genesis 1:20
Genesis 2:4
Genesis 2:7-9
Genesis 2:16-17
Genesis 2:17
/ 2:17
Genesis 2:18-19
Genesis 2:19
Genesis 3:4-5
Genesis 3:4-7
Genesis 3:8-9
Genesis 3:16-23
Genesis 3:22
Genesis 6:5
Genesis 6:11-13
Genesis 6:19-22
Genesis 7:2-3
Genesis 7:11-12
Genesis 7:20-23
Genesis 8:4-5
Genesis 8:13-14
Genesis 11:1-9
Genesis 15:13-16
Genesis 15:18
Genesis 35:10
Exodus 1:11-14
Exodus 3:4
Exodus 5:2
Exodus 7:10-12
Exodus 19-22
Exodus 9:8-11 & 25
Exodus 9:18-21
Exodus 17:8-9
Exodus 12:29-30
Deut 18:22
Deut 21:18-21
Deut 22:20-21
Deut 23:15
Deut 33:17
Deut 32:23-25
Joshua 10:11-13
Josuha 10:13
1 Samuel 2:8
1 Samuel 15:3
1 Samuel 28:3-15
2 Samuel 7:10
2 Samuel 7:16
2 Samuel 12:13-18
2 Samuel 24:1
1 Kings 10:14-15
1 Kings 17:21-22
2 Kings 2:23-24
2 Kings 4:32-35
2 Kings 6:5-6
2 Kings 13:21
2 Kings 17:24-25
2 Kings 20:9-11
2 Kings 24:1
1 Chronicles 16:30
1 Chronicles 21:1
2 Chronicles 1:12
2 Chronicles 1:15
Job 9:6
Job 26:7
Job 37:18
Psalm 9:8
Psalm 75:1-5
Psalm 91:13
Psalm 92:10
Psalm 93:1-2
Psalm 104:5
Isaiah 11:8
Isaiah 11:12
Isaiah 13:9, 15-19
Isaiah 17:1-2
Isaiah 19:5-7
Isaiah 34:7
Isaiah 40:22
Isaiah 52:1
Isaiah 57:1-2
Isaiah 59:5
Jeremiah 7:21-26
Jeremiah 8:17
Jeremiah 14:16
Jeremiah 16:19
Jeremiah 19:9
Jeremiah 21:6
Jeremiah 21:6
Jeremiah 25:11-12
Jeremiah 33:25
Jeremiah 51:34
Ezekiel 9:4-7 & 9-10
Daniel 5:2
Daniel 5:5
Daniel 5:10-11
Hosea 13:16
Jonah 1:17
"The sum of Your word is truth,And every one of Your righteous ordinances is everlasting." - Psalm 119:160
"Now, O Lord God, You are God, and Your words are truth, and You have promised this good thing to Your servant." - 2 Samuel 7:28
Matthew 1:1-17
Matthew 1:20
Matthew 2:13-15
Matthew 6:9-13
Matthew 9:32
Matthew 12:22
Matthew 12:40
Matthew 13:32 '
Matthew 14:26
Matthew 16:28
Matthew 17:14
Matthew 27:3-7
Matthew 27:32
Matthew 27:41-45
Matthew 27:45-46
Matthew 27:46-50
Matthew 27:52-53
Matthew 28:1-2
Matthew 28:1
Matthew 28:2
Mark 5:1-13
Mark 9:1
Mark 13:4
Mark 13:24-30
Mark 15:21-23
Mark 15:34
Mark 15:42-45
Mark 16:2
Mark 16:5
Mark 16:9
Luke 2:6
Luke 2:22-40
Luke 3:23-38
Luke 11:24-26
Luke 13:11 & 16
Luke 23:26
Luke 23:33-35
& verses 39-44
Luke 23:46
Luke 24:2
Luke 24:4
John 3:19
John 5:2-4
John 8:34
John 8:43-47
John 10:17-18
John 11:43-46
John 14:13-14
John 19:17-18
John 19:29b-30
John 20:1
John 20:11-12
Acts 1:15-19
Acts 5:19
Acts 9:7
Acts 9:37-40
Acts 13:47
Acts 17:10-11
Acts 22:9
Romans 1:18-31
Romans 3:24-25
Romans 5:18
Romans 8:20-22
Ephesians 2:1
Ephesians 2:8-9
Ephesians 4:18
Philippians 1:21-23
Colossians 1:17
1 Timothy 4:1
Hebrews 9:27
2 Peter 2:4-4 & 9-10
2 Peter 3:7
Revelation 1:7
Revelation 6:12-14
Revelation 7:1
Revelation 21:8
Revelation 21:8
Revelation 21:23-24
Jesus does not promise to take away all your troubles. He promises those will get worse. But, Jesus does promise to free you from worry and anxiety.
How does that work?
The Bible says, Be anxious for nothing... (Philippians 4:6) Why? When you trust Jesus, no matter what happens in this life, you will spend eternity with God... and that is VERY GOOD.
And do not be afraid of those who kill the body but are unable to kill the soul; but rather fear Him who is able to destroy both soul and body in hell. - Matthew 10:28
Who can destroy your body and soul? Only God. (Not Satan) However, God does not send you to hell, you do that when you disobey God. However, God created hell, aka. the lake of fire, the second death (Revelation 21:8).
You can be rescued. Jesus Christ (God) died on the cross to save all those who believe in Him... all those who trust Him to pay their just penalty for disobeying God.
Trust in Jesus and you'll know your time on earth is like a wisp of smoke that vanishes in the wind. Trust that Jesus did pay YOUR penalty for sin. Repent. Turn away from disobeying God.
Believe in the Lord Jesus and you will be saved. (Acts 16:31) and there will no longer be a reason for worry or anxiety.