Answering Humanist's Accusations Against the Bible
White summarizes the historical results of relying on the Bible for answers about the physical world. Its not a pretty sight: [T]here were developed, in every field, theological views of science which have never led to a single truth which, without exception, have forced mankind away from the truth, and have caused Christendom to stumble for centuries into abysses of error and sorrow.[White, Vol. I, p. 325.]
In view of the Bibles numerous mistaken beliefs about the physical world, theres no reason to think its writers were any more correct about unseen and abstract matters. Being so greatly in error regarding the tangible and observable universe, the Bible cannot be considered a reliable guide for spiritual and ethical issues
Once again, Andrew White is the source, this time for an outrageous claim that theological views of science “have never led to a single truth – which, without exception, have forced mankind away from the truth.” Is what White says here true? No. Of course not. Just that it is Andrew White making this claim tells us it is false. Let’s look at the facts. Click here to learn about Andrew White.
Does the Bible include numerous mistaken beliefs about the physical world? No. Every attempt to discredit the scientific reliability of the Bible has been addressed in the previous pages.
Is the Bible in error regarding the tangible and observable universe? No. Every claim the humanists have made has been refuted.
Is the Bible a reliable guide to the physical universe? Yes, it is. The Bible is not intended to be a science book, but anytime the Bible touches on something about the physical universe and how it works, it is accurate.
Is the Bible a reliable guide for spiritual and ethical issues? Yes. There is none better. God made you in His image. He knows your every thought and desire. No one knows you better than God does. No one, not even you knows you as well as God knows you.
Is humanism a reliable guide to the physical universe? No. Science based on humanism is based on the false premises of evolution. Evolution not only defines thinking concerning the biological, but because it requires deep time, it impacts and distorts thinking in all sciences.
Is humanism a reliable guide for spiritual and ethical issues? No. To start, humanists do not believe in our spiritual side, so they are clueless on spiritual issues. However, we all know, including humanists, that there is a spiritual aspect to us. God has placed that knowledge in us. Even humanists know there is a God, although they suppress the knowledge of God and deny Him.
In addition, humanism provides no guidance for morality and ethics. It has no foundation on which to base morality. We are just random chemicals, and the best random chemicals can do is accept whatever the powerful say is moral and ethical. Might (guns) makes right... and history proves that you... the individual... will be deceived, suppressed, used, controlled, plundered, enslaved, tortured and imprisoned if you resist.
A video I made that shows how evolution impacts all of our thinking, not just science, is available on YouTube here.
Conclusion: The humanist has nothing except the fiction of Andrew White. That they would even try to foist this fiction off on you as truth says that they really do not care about you or truth. Whatever lie it takes to get you to reject God is acceptable. (Keep in mind who the father of all lies is.)
Jesus speaking: "Why do you not understand what I am saying? It is because you cannot hear My word. You are of your father the devil, and you want to do the desires of your father. He was a murderer from the beginning, and does not stand in the truth because there is no truth in him. Whenever he speaks a lie, he speaks from his own nature, for he is a liar and the father of lies. But because I speak the truth, you do not believe Me. Which one of you convicts Me of sin? If I speak truth, why do you not believe Me? He who is of God hears the words of God; for this reason you do not hear them, because you are not of God. - John 8:43-47
WHAT'S NEXT? The humanists now turn to the claim of supposed: False Prophecies
Prophecies in the Bible further strengthen the Humanist view. Because many of the prophecies turned out to be false, they prove the Bible is not inerrant.
The Bible itself contains a test for determining whether a prophecy was inspired by God. Deuteronomy 18:22 explains: When a prophet speaketh in the name of the Lord, if the thing follow not, nor come to pass, that is the thing which the Lord hath not spoken, but the prophet hath spoken it presumptuously: thou shalt not be afraid of him.
Applying this test to the Bible leads to one conclusion: the book contains many statements that were not inspired by God.
The prophecies in the Bible are so powerful and accurate that, to claim the Bible is not true, you must show the prophies are false. If you can't do that, you lose... and the existence of God is proven. How well do the humanists do denying Bible prophecy? Click here and find out.
Bonus content: Darwin was Wrong? Over 1000 scientists sign statement proclaiming they are skeptical of Neo-Darwinianism.
Before you get the good news, you need to know the bad news. It's about you. God says:
All have sinned and fall short of the glory of God. - Romans 3:23
Sin means disobeying God, aka breaking God's law. God is perfect and perfection is required to enter heaven. It's a standard none of us can achieve. We all fall short. For example, compare yourself with just one of the Ten Commandments. Have you ever told a lie?
All liars, their part will be in the lake that burns with fire and brimstone, which is the second death. - Revelation 21:8. Or what about:
Have you ever taken something that does not belong to you, no matter how small? Have you ever looked at another person with lust? In Matthew 5 Jesus said:
Everyone who looks at a woman with lust for her has already committed adultery with her in his heart.' Have you done that?
You have broken God's laws. You have sinned. There must be justice, and that means eternity in hell, the lake of fire, the second death. Unless...
Unless there was someone willing to pay that penalty on your behalf. Someone who will take on themselves the consequences you deserve. And there is. There is one person who can and will do that. That person is Jesus Christ. If you trust this is true (believe), and repent (turn away from disobeying God), Jesus' death is applied to your account and you are freed from the penalty of sin to be with God forever.