Videos For Home Schooling and Teaching Kids
Videos are listed by the age of students.
A journey of discovery through the entire Bible.
Debunk Evolution Videos:
Myths That Deny the Historicity of Genesis, Creation, and Noah's Flood
Debunk the 7 Myths of Evolution Videos:
The Complete Creation (Grades 7+)
These videos were not made specifically for students. However, they are excellent for providing background on evolution and Biblical beliefs concerning creation. They are excellent for learning how to think.
Abbreviations: AIG - Answers In Genesis | GA - Genesis Apologetics
You cannot hide anything from God, and you can't hide from God:
'Can a man hide himself in hiding places So I do not see him?' declares the LORD 'Do I not fill the heavens and the earth?' declares the LORD. - Jeremiah 23:24
Imagine you have an SD card in your head that records every thought and dream. We record for a month and then rent a theater. All your friends are invited as we play that SD card on the big screen. How would you feel?
That's what God sees. He is disgusted and knows that because of your sin (those thoughts we all see on the big screen) you will never be with God. But God still loves you, and He made an incredible sacrifice for you. He died in your place.
You have a choice. Reject God... and get what you say you want... you'll spent eternity separated from God. And that means separated from EVERYTHING that is good. Think about that.
Or accept the gift God offers... trust that Jesus Christ died on the cross to pay the penalty you've earned (remember those thoughts on the SD card). Jesus paid your penalty in full. It is finished
There is no darkness or deep shadow Where the workers of iniquity may hide themselves. - Job 34:22