The following questions were answered by John MacArthur in Q&A Sessions.
The following are questions answered by John MacArthur in Q&A Sessions. Each question below is a link to the Grace To You web page that has a video and transcript of the Q&A session in which the question is answered. The Q&A was not specifically about cults and false teaching. You will find the answers within the overall Q&A session. Questions are listed topically in alphabetical order. When you go to the Grace to You web page, you'll need to look through the transcript, or use your browser's search feature, to find the specific question. Or watch the video until it gets to the question you want answered, you'll get a lot of good Bible teaching. Links marked with "AO" are "Audio Only," there is no video available.
Abbreviations: AO - Audio Only
Note: Neither this web site nor this web page is in any way associated with John MacArthur, Grace Community Church, nor the Grace To You ministry. We have independently created this index to make it easier for people to find answers to their questions. John MacArthur does not have anything to do with the web page you are now reading. The Science Pastor staff and volunteers are solely responsible for the content of this web page.
Why Doesn't God End Evil?
Do Miracles Mean The Bible Is A Fairy Tale?
Was Jesus' Resurrection Real or Fake?
Do Babies Go To Heaven?
Can We Know God Exists?
Carbon Dating Says The Earth is Young
The Failure of Radio Isotope Dating
The Age of the Earth - Helium In Rocks
Dinosaur Soft Tissue Shows Dating Methods Don't Work
Does DNA Show Eve Was Created 6,000 Years Ago?