Science Pastor vBlogPosts

Fire & Metabolism Show Evolution Is Impossible

Science Pastor Video Podcasts

vBlog Post #006

Carbon and oxygen are the source of energy in fires and in our bodies. Metabolism, which involves carbon and oxygen forming CO2 is the source of our energy, and is a complex, multi-step process that is impossible to have come about as a result of evolution. It takes up to ten steps to metabolize our food to produce energy. If any one step is missing, we have no energy. No one step can produce energy, or anything useful, on its own. Every step in the process must be present or there is no life. This is just one of the many multi-step process that are necessary for lifer, and impossible to have come about through random mutations, or genetic drift, or any other evolutionary mechanism. Life, even it its most simple form, is far too complex to have come about through evolutionary processes.

URLs Referenced:

Cellular Metabolism/Respiration:

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