Biblical; Meditation
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The Bible mentions meditation about 30 times. It is a fact that scripture tells us to "meditate." But the word "meditate" has more than one meaning. What the Bible says to do is meditate on God's word. Fill your thoughts with God's word. Think about how it relates to other parts of God's word. Think about how it relates to your life. Biblical meditation is ACTIVE... engaging your mind, stirring up your thoughts, digging into the depths of God's word. Biblical meditation is like a personal Bible study.
What is promoted as meditation today is VERY different from Biblical meditation
What has come into our churches is eastern meditation... also known as Spiritual Formation, New Age or Hinduism. Instead of filling your mind, you are to empty your mind. That's not always stated up front, but that is what is taught. Here are some of the characteristics of this satanic practice:
Eastern meditation feels good. It gives you an emotional high... which is what it is designed to do. The ultimate goal is to hear the small, still voice of god speaking to you in the quiet of your mind. Wow! Now you are an important person, god is speaking directly to you. That's the feeling it is designed to produce and it is not Biblical. God speaks to us through His word. And besides, have you ever read anywhere in scripture about God speaking in a small, quiet voice that is difficult to hear? No! If God speaks, everyone He wants to hear Him WILL hear Him.
Christian meditation is an ACTIVE thought process, giving ourselves to the study and understanding of His word.
What is Christian meditation? (GQ)
Meditation That Honors God (GTY)
Elements of Productive Bible Study: Meditate (GTY)
What you believe does not determine reality nor truth. That would make you god. But you ARE NOT god. You don't control the universe. You cannot change reality. Let's try an experiment. At about midnight stand in the middle of the road just around a corner where it is hard to be seen... at night, wearing all black. When headlights start lighting up the curve, just believe that whatever is coming does not exist. Stand firm, if you don't believe a vehicle is coming, then nothing is coming. You are perfectly safe... until reality hits.
You are now standing before Jesus. You are dead. It's judgment day. You don't want to believe it's Jesus and you will be judged. But it is. That's reality.
Judgment only takes a moment, the verdict is obvious, and you know it is correct. You are guilty. You've lied, stolen and sexually lusted after others (Matthew 5:28)... you have disobeyed God. Trusting Jesus is the only answer, but it's too late. You had your last chance just before you died.
You know it's no use to protest, but still you scream out, 'I didn't know!'
But you did know. All of creation declared God's glory, His invisible attributes, and His power. You have no excuse. You willingly rejected Jesus Christ (God).
Is this you? Are you saying, 'Hell isn't so bad, I'll be with my friends.' You know that's not true. There are no friends in hell. No beer... not even water to cool your lips. There is NOTHING good in hell.
So I beg you, consider these words. Trust Jesus as having paid your penalty for every way you've have rejected God. Trust Jeus to save you from hell and bring you into the presense of God.
Trust Jesus. Believe in the Lord Jesus, and you will be saved. - Acts 16:31