Evil In The World
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If God is perfectly good (and He is)... and if God is all powerful (and He is), why doesn't God stop evil?
God can stop and destroy all evil. And He will do so in the future. Why not now? The reason involves something you do not want to hear.
"For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God." - Romans 3:23
"The wages of sin is death." - Romans 6:23
So what, we're all going to die. And that is true. We all die physically, but you need to know there is a second death.
“But, for the cowardly and unbelieving and abominable and murderers and immoral persons and sorcerers and idolaters and all liars, their part will be in the lake that burns with fire and brimstone, which is the second death.” - Revelation 21:8
Some definitions related to Revelation 12:8:
--cowardly: those who were afraid to continue in the faith
--unbelieving: those who refuse to believe in Jesus Christ
--abominable: wholly caught up in wickedness
--murderers: those who murder, either physically or through hateful thoughts (Matthew 5:21-22)
--immoral: engaged in sexual sin
--sorcerers: includes drug users
--idolaters: anything that is more important than God
--liars: liars
Here is the answer to "so what?" -- Without Jesus Christ, all of the above types of people (everyone) end up in the lake of fire (evil destroyed), which is called the second death. This is an important truth. You are eternal. Your existence will continue forever. You will either be with God (life) or totally separated from God (second death). Which do you choose? The time is coming when God will destroy all evil. Are you going to chose Jesus... repenting (turning away from disobeying God) and trusting Jesus as having paid your penalty for sin (breaking God's laws) in full? Or are you going to reject Jesus?
Is God Responsible For Evil? (MacArthur Article)
Why Does God Allow Evil? (GotQuestions.org Article & Video)
How Can I Believe God is Good When There Is So Much Evil? (GotQuestions.org Article)
How God Restrains Evil in the World (MacArthur Sermon & Audio)
Before you get the good news, you need to know the bad news. It's about you. God says:
All have sinned and fall short of the glory of God. - Romans 3:23
Sin means disobeying God, aka breaking God's law. God is perfect and perfection is required to enter heaven. It's a standard none of us can achieve. We all fall short. For example, compare yourself with just one of the Ten Commandments. Have you ever told a lie?
All liars, their part will be in the lake that burns with fire and brimstone, which is the second death. - Revelation 21:8. Or what about:
Have you ever taken something that does not belong to you, no matter how small? Have you ever looked at another person with lust? In Matthew 5 Jesus said:
Everyone who looks at a woman with lust for her has already committed adultery with her in his heart.' Have you done that?
You have broken God's laws. You have sinned. There must be justice, and that means eternity in hell, the lake of fire, the second death. Unless...
Unless there was someone willing to pay that penalty on your behalf. Someone who will take on themselves the consequences you deserve. And there is. There is one person who can and will do that. That person is Jesus Christ. If you trust this is true (believe), and repent (turn away from disobeying God), Jesus' death is applied to your account and you are freed from the penalty of sin to be with God forever.