Global Flood

Chinese Characters

A Global Flood Happened | See All The Videos. Go to the: 30 Second Video Menu

Global Flood: Evidence We Should Expect

Such a catastrophic event as a global flood should result in significant evidence that it happened. In addition to the geological evidence (we've already talked about that here, here, and here) we should see cultural evidence. People would pass on the story about the flood for generations. And we do see that type of evidence. For example, the creator God of the Bible, and the flood, were such a big part of the lives of the original Chinese people that they incorporated them into their written language.

chinese - large boat

Pictures are used for written Chinese. However, that does not mean each "word" is a unique character. Many of the characters are composed of other characters. The above video looks at the Chinese word for large boat (or ship). It is composed of three characters: the characters for boat, eight, and mouth (living, breathing people). That's Noah's ark! Noah's ark was large, and was a boat with just eight people on it. We see the global flood and Noah's ark captured in ancient Chinese characters, providing cultural proof the flood was real.

chinese - garden

The second word we'll look at is the Chinese character for "garden" (or park). Here we see a picture of the Garden of Eden. It includes an enclosure, and inside that enclosure is dust, breath (life), and two people. So we see the creation of humanity in the Garden of Eden in this character.

The character for "mouth" has several shades of meaning. Here it refers to breath... God took dust and breathed life into it. This character can also represents a living person, as it does with the character for a ship (above). One mouth means one person. But there there is another symbol for a person, and that symbol is there twice, indicating two people... and one person is coming out of the side of the other. You can see this better in the contemporary character that has the same meaning. Draw a vertical line down the middle of this character and you can see you basically have the same character back-to-back.

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More information on Chinese characters, that are related to the Bible, can be seen in some of the articles linked below.

More About Chinese Characters

Chinese Characters and Genesis (CMI)

CMI Misrepresents Ancient Chinese Language? (CMI)

The Chinese Language and the Creative Hands of God (ICR)

Image Credit (cruise ship):
Jorge in Brazil -,_2009)_001_(cropped).jpg


solution to riots

Everything is falling apart, nothing makes sense anymore. What's happening?

What is happening is that the world has turned away from God. When nations turn away from God, strangely enough, God turns His back on them. We find out what it is like to live without God.

There is only one thing to do... repent, turn to Jesus Christ in obedience. Jesus said:

If you love Me, you will keep My commandments. - John 14:15

This can only be done on an individual basis. Don't look to others turning to God and making things better for you. YOU must repent, turn away from disobedience. Love God! Obey what He says. Read the Bible to find out what He says.

It happens one person at a time, starting with you. Don't put it off today. Turn to Jesus Christ, God who came to earth in human flesh to save us from the penalty we've earned as a result of our disobedience (sin). He will do it! ...

BUT ONLY when you believe this is true and put your trust in Jesus. Trust Jesus today. Repent (turn away from what the world wants and to what God wants).

Jesus began to preach, “Repent, for the kingdom of heaven has come near.” - Matthew 4:17